Solve the crash iBooks.

Those of you who have a jailbroken iPhone and have been updating iBooks (1.5) must have had the bad surprise to find this error message at launch:

To resolve this problem, you simply download the file iBooksFix_1.1.deb and install it on your iPhone. Here's how:

1. Download the file iBooksFix_1.1.deb

2. Download and install iExplorer

3. IExplorer run and connect your iPhone to your PC

4. Go (for example) in / var / mobile / Documents and drop the file to iBooksFix_1.1.deb

5. Now open iFile on your iPhone and go to / var / mobile / Documents. Touch iBooksFix_1.1.deb then Install.

6. Make a small respring and voila!
Solve the crash iBooks. Solve the crash iBooks. Reviewed by Hfddx on 15:51 Rating: 5

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