Google Earth: 3D on your iPhone without iOS 6

One of the new features headlights that integrate iOS 6, is undoubtedly the new Maps application. Previously managed by Google and its Google Maps data, Apple has chosen to take things in hand, replacing the old version with a new, also offering maps, but also a GPS system and a way to see a location in 3D

While all this is not without a little consideration, since access to Google Maps Street View since, who was also particularly interesting, for example, was removed. Consideration that will be missed especially as Google has just put online an update of its Google Earth application [App Store Link - Free - Universal] on the App Store, which brings the 3D view, it is say the only function of the application brought by Apple too.
Google Earth: 3D on your iPhone without iOS 6 Google Earth: 3D on your iPhone without iOS 6 Reviewed by Hfddx on 22:02 Rating: 5

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