Installous is an application to be installed via Cydia for jailbroken iPhones to download and install cracked iphone applications directly from the phone without going through iTunes.
In practice, Installous will connect to Appulous from the iPhone and allow the automatic downloading and installing applications.
Before you begin, you should install AppSync following the procedure here.
Installous version 3 is now available directly from the source:
In practice, Installous will connect to Appulous from the iPhone and allow the automatic downloading and installing applications.
Before you begin, you should install AppSync following the procedure here.
Installous version 3 is now available directly from the source:
1. To add this source, go to Manage then Sources in Cydia:
2. Then select Edit at the top right of the window and add:
3. Then indicate the source
4. Confirm by pressing the Add Source. A warning appears. Also confirm this:
5. Back on the sources page, then click on the source just been added:
6. A list of applications appears. Choose Installous:
7. Then click Install to install the application:
8. The Installous icon should then be available on the SpringBoard of the iPhone:
9. Une fois l’application lancĂ©e, le menu principal s’affiche :
10. You can then browse applications by category, new or updated, by popularity, or search:
11. Once an application is selected, the details are displayed:
12. It is then possible to install it by clicking the "Download" button, as on the AppStore:
13. Download links are displayed:
14. You can see the current downloads in the Downloads tab:
The application is now available on your iPhone.
Reviewed by Hfddx
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