Consumer Reports recommends iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus more than iPhone X

Consumer Reports announces tonight to have concluded its test for the iPhone X. The American consumer association (the French equivalent is UCF-Que Choisir) judges that the iPhone X is a very good smartphone, but recommends the iPhone more 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus.

The test simulating falls was more than mixed for iPhone X: one model was actually damaged in the back and two models had problems with the screen. However, none of the iPhone Xs have seen cracks or scratches on the screen. In comparison, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus had some scratches in the back. Again, the screen remained intact.

Then comes the battery test. Consumer Reports notes that the iPhone X is 19.30, where the iPhone 8 Plus is 21 hours. For its part, the iPhone 8 is 19 hours. For the consumer association, it's a bad point. She adds that the Samsung Galaxy S8 is 26 hours long.

The iPhone X is ranked 9th of smartphones recommended by Consumer Reports. The association notes several positive points, including Face ID and the OLED screen. For their part, the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone 8 are respectively 3rd and 4th. The top two are Samsung's Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 +.
Consumer Reports recommends iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus more than iPhone X Consumer Reports recommends iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus more than iPhone X Reviewed by Hfddx on 22:44 Rating: 5
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