Niantic announces today two novelties for its game Pokemon Go (Link App Store - Free - iPhone / iPad). They revolve around the weather and new Pokemon.
Outside time will
now be a factor to consider as the game will automatically adapt. Some types of
Pokemon will be easier to find based on the weather of the day, says Niantic.
As can be expected, water-type Pokemon will appear more when it rains, for
example. In addition, some attacks will be more effective depending on the
conditions, such as the Flame Dance of a Charizard who will work better on
sunny days.
The other
addition concerns 50 3rd Generation Pokemon, they appeared in Pokemon Ruby and
Pokemon Sapphire games. Arcko, Poussifeu, Gobou and others will make their
debut starting this week.
Pokemon Go takes into account the weather and adds 50 3rd generation Pokemon
Reviewed by Hfddx