Sky: Light Awaits (ThatGameCompany) gets closer to the App Store

Sky: Light Awaits is one of the rare iOS exclusives that is not so much a console / PC adaptation. This title developed by the famous studio ThaGameCompany (Flower, Journey) was long presented during the last WWDC Apple, and we can assume that the Californian has released the check for this exclusive (which will probably be temporary) . Like the other titles of the studio, Sky is a game with "zen" atmosphere, with a solid artistic direction (superb rendering of clouds); it will also be possible to play several (a novelty for a title ThatGameCompany), and we can think that the graphic display should not be too exhausting for an iPhone 7 and beyond; especially, the development of Sky: Lighst Awaits is finally over, and the game is even released in soft-launch in the Philippine App Store, probably also to evaluate the needs in server load. In short, Sky is coming very soon on our platform, and should begin a year 2018 rich games thought this time primarily for mobile (and the iOS platform mainly), as Where Cards Falls, Alto's Odyssey or Oceanhorn 2 for example ....

Sky: Light Awaits (ThatGameCompany) gets closer to the App Store Sky: Light Awaits (ThatGameCompany) gets closer to the App Store Reviewed by Hfddx on 10:03 Rating: 5

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